List of sites specialised in scientific job searches, thesis searches, financing, in France and abroad.

Pre-thesis, doctoral students, post-thesis

  • EURAXESS JOBS Portal of the European Commission that posts job offers for researchers and particularly doctoral contract offers.
  • Association Bernard Grégory Master students searching for a thesis proposal, PhD students searching for a position, PhDs looking for a job.
  • CAMPUS France PhD, master work placements, post-doctoral positions.
  • Adoc Talent Management Career management expert for doctors.
  • Réseau C.U.R.I.E Brings together professionals for commercialisation of research, technology transfer and innovation.
  • MARIE CURIE ACTIONS Actions to promote Europe to foreign researchers, whether receiving initial or continuing education. Scientific job offers and research grant programs in the public and private sectors, regardless of nationality or field of research.
  • EURES European portal for Job Mobility.
  • EPSO Job offers in the European institutions. EPSO is responsible for the selection of staff for the European Union institutions and agencies.
  • SCIENCE CAREERS Online journal specialised in promoting scientific careers for early career researchers: sharing experiences, job market, offers and practical advice.
  • Academic positions Job offers Northern and Central Europe.
  • Réseau Pro Work Placement / Employment platform, network of a dozen universities in Ile de France and more than 16000 recruiters.
  • La Gazette du Laboratoire Job offers
  • Galaxie des personnels du supérieur portail Dedicated to recruitment (ATER [Temporary Lecturer and Research Assistant], lecturer, university professor, astronomer/physicist, etc.) and promotion of the rank of teacher-researchers.

Scholarships and funding for thesis + information


Initiative Ile de France 1st associative network for financing entrepreneurs

The SNEE (Statut National Etudiants Entrepreneurs)

Pepite Starter France Support for entrepreneur students

Agence France Entrepreneur Information on starting a business

La Fabrique à entreprendre Test, support, finance and develop the business project

The Schoolab Support for entrepreneur students

BGE PaRIF regularly introduces new services for entrepreneurs

Réseau Entreprendre Support by entrepreneurs, with financing in the form of a loan on trust

Enactus France Supports students in the implementation of social entrepreneurship projects with the participation of professionals from the company and the faculty

Moovjee Supports young entrepreneurs aged 18 to 30 for building and developing their business in a mentoring program

Help with job searches and processes

Free of charge services 


Job offers all year round by France Travail, the public administration responsible for employment in France. On the homepage, type your keywords in the «  job, skill, keyword » ( « métier, compétence, mot-clé ») line, type « Île-de-France » in « workplace » ( « lieu de travail »), start the search, and check the box « show only France Travail offers » ( « afficher uniquement les offres France Travail »). Option to create your personal page (to upload your CV and to apply for jobs) and consult the Emploi Store : To be assisted by France Travail in your search for employment (CV workshops, cover letter, interview) job market analysis, guidance, visit a France Travail office :


Interview with a consultant specialised in the executive job market. Discuss your professional project, advice and tips for interviews : APEC workshop in French dedicated to doctors : 

Cité des métiers

Cité des sciences et de l’industrie – 30, avenue Corentin Cariou – 75019 Paris Level -1, from Tuesday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and Saturday from 12:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Workshops, documentation, information events on jobs and professional life


Useful tools

Assistance for writing a CV and cover letter

Professional social networks

  • Linkedin
  • Viadeo
  • Adum (Internet portal for information, services and communication for doctoral students and researchers)
  • ResearchGate (Social networking site for researchers and scientists of all disciplines).
  • Buffer (Plan, post and analyse all your messages in one place).

Profesional fairs

Dual careers