British students and researchers in France: apply for a residence permit online following the withdrawal agreement of the United Kingdom from the European Union

British nationals in France
British students and researchers living in France in 2020, learn below how to apply for your residence permit « accord de retrait » (withdrawal agreement of the UK from EU). Indeed, from October 1st, 2021, any British national residing in France and aged over 18 will have to hold a residence permit.
Are you planning to go to France to study or do research in 2021? Beware: for a stay of more than 3 months in France, you will have to apply for a visa. Please ask at the consulate of France in your country!

British students and researchers living in France in 2020 or arriving in France before December 31st, 2020
From October 19th, you can apply for a residence permit « accord de retrait » (withdrawal agreement) on a dedicated site. This site is also intended for your family members, of British nationality or third-country nationals, residing in France or coming to settle in France before 31 December 2020.
You must complete the online application process for this residence permit « accord de retrait » before July 1st, 2021. You will not be required to hold a residence permit until October 1st, 2021. Your rights for staying in France, and your professional activity and all your social rights are maintained until 1 October 2021.
Watch out : If you have already applied for a Brexit residence permit without agreement, between 9 October 2019 and 31 January 2020, you do not need to reapply online. Your application has been considered and will be processed by the prefecture before the obligation to hold a residence permit is enforceable against you.

British students and researchers arriving in France from January 1st, 2021
From 1 January 2021, the British nationals will have to apply for a long-stay visa at the French consulate before going to France for stays of more than three months.
British students
Are you a British national planning to go to study in France? Then you will need to apply for a student long stay visa.
Depending oh the duration of your stay in France and the type of visa you will obtain, you will have to validate your long stay visa as a residence permit or in some cases apply for a first student residence permit in your local préfecture (implementation of the ordinary immigration law ) after your arrival in France.
British researchers
Are you planning to do research in France? Your host institution in France will have to prepare a Convention d’accueil (hosting agreement) for you. With this Convention d’accueil, you will be able to apply for a Passeport Talent Chercheur visa.
Depending on the duration of your stay in France and the type of visa you will obtain, you will have to validate your long stay visa as a residence permit or to apply for a residence permit in your local préfecture once you have arrived in France (implementation of the ordinary immigration law).