Researchers wishing to stay in France beyond the expiry date of their residence permit must apply for a renewal of their «Talent Chercheur» residence card between 2 and 4 months before the expiry date of the residence permit.
Applying for the renewal of a «Talent Chercheur» residence card
Le dépôt du dossier s’effectue en ligne sur le site internet de l’ANEF. La demande est traitée par la préfecture du lieu de domicile.
List of the documents to be provided to apply for the renewal of the «Talent Chercheur» residence card
The documents to be provided are as follow (documents to be uploaded as pdf documents) :
- Valid « passeport talent » residence card : residence card or visa + confirmation of online validation of the visa ;
- Passport (pages related to marital status, validity dates and entry stamps) ;
- Proof of address less than 6 months old :
- if tenant: electricity bill (or gas, water, landline telephone or Internet service bill) or rental lease agreement less than 6 months old or rent receipt or housing tax statement ;
- if staying at a hotel: hotelier’s certificate and last month’s bill ;
- if staying with an individual : statement from the host (« attestation d’hébergement ») dated and signed by the host, with a copy of his/her identity card or residence card, deed of ownership (or the host’s statement of residence tax or copy of the rental lease agreement or the host’s electricity, gas, water, landline telephone or Internet service bill). A sample of an « attestation d’hébergement » is available here
- E-photo ; Photomaton photo booths delivering e-photos can be identified by a blue sticker indicating “Agréé services en ligne ANTS”.
- Diploma at least equivalent to a master’s degree. ;
- New from July 2024 : « Contrat d’engagement à respecter les principes de la République française » (Agreement to respect the principles of the French Republic) in French, completed and signed. Signing this agreement is mandatory (subject to exceptions). This document is to be uploaded online when reaching the stage “supporting documents” (“Justificatifs”) in the section “proof of address” (“Justificatifs de domicile”). More information and a template of the agreement can be found here.
- new « convention d’accueil » (hosting agreement) or extension for the coming research period after the expiration of the residence permit. It must be established by a public or private organization with a research or higher education mission previously approved, and filled, dated and signed.
- Sample of a « convention d’accueil » : cerfa n° 16079*03
- The hosting agreement validity period is based on the researcher’s stay (duration of the fellowship, of the working contract, …).
- The duration of the new residence card will be that indicated in the new hosting agreement ;
- OR France Travail certificate (« attestation d’allocation d’aide au retour à l’emploi ») indicating the duration and the amount of the unemployment benefits, if the researcher doesn’t have a new hosting agreement, had a working contract and is involuntarily deprived of employment (end of a CDD for example).
- Conseil : si l’attestation émise par France Travail indiquant la durée et le montant de l’allocation chômage n’a pas encore été obtenue, fournir le et « l ’attestation de l’employeur destinée à France Travail » remis par l’employeur, ou un courrier explicatif (à télécharger et à déposer en lieu et place de l’attestation de France Travail manquante). Quick tip: if the France Travail certificate indicating the duration and the amount of the unemployment benefits has not been received yet, the work certificate (« certificat de travail ») and the employer’s certificate for France Travail (« l ’attestation de l’employeur destinée à France Travail ») can be provided instead, or a short letter explaining why the document is missing.
- Important note: In case of a residence permit renewal based on unemployment rights, the residence card issued will be for the same duration as the rights to unemployment benefits (called « chômage » or « aide au retour à l’emploi » – ARE) as indicated by France Travail.
After sumitting the application file for the renewal of the «Talent Chercheur» card
Following the filing of his/her application on the ANEF web site, the researcher receives successive certificates ( « attestations ») as and when his/her application is being processed by the agents of the prefecture on which he/she depends:
The processing of the application by the préfecture
- Once the researcher submits their application, a « confirmation de dépôt » is issued on the ANEF account. It is a confirmation that the request has been filed.
- During the processing of the residence permit request, the researcher may then receive an « attestation de prolongation d’instruction » . As part of a renewal process, this document is an extension of the previous residence permit. Therefore, the « attestation de prolongation d’instruction » with the hosting agreement (« convention d’accueil») allows the researcher to work within the framework of its activities without having to request for a work permit. Moreover, it allows the researcher to come back to France without a visa after leaving the country.
Additional information or document might be requested by the prefecture during the processing. The researcher must reply within the specific deadline, or the application will automatically be closed.
- Une fois que la demande a été validée par la préfecture, celle-ci délivre une attestation de décision favorable. Ce document indique la durée de validité de la carte de séjour en cours de fabrication. Once the application is approved by the prefecture, an « attestation de décision favorable » is issued. This document indicates the validity period of the residence permit to be issued.
All these documents can be downloaded on the researcher’s ANEF account.
The issuing of the residence card
The researcher receives a text message on their phone once the residence card is ready to be collected at the prefecture. The residence card must be collected before it expires, or the researcher will not be able to renew their residence permit. In most prefecture, it is necessary to make an appointment on the prefecture’s website in order to collect your residence permit. At this appointment, the original of the passport and a €225 printed tax stamp will be requested. Tax stamps can be bought on the tax department’s website.
Quick tip : if the researcher has not received a text message within 2 months after the “attestation de décision favorable” was issued, they can write to the prefecture to ask if the residence permit is ready to be collected and/or make an appointment to collect it.
Information about e-photos
Only professional photographers and approved photo booths such as Photomatons can provide photographs and a digital signature that are compatible with the visa request teleservice. They can be identified by a blue sticker that indicates « Agréé services en ligne ANTS » (Online approval services from the French National Agency for Secure Documents).
Once your photo is taken, you are asked to ad your signature using a pen to a tablet or touching the screen. It is important to write your real signature and not a point or a sign to allow the making of your residence permit.
- Your photos will be printed in the same way as they are for a normal photo.
- You will also receive an individualised 22-number code. When you are filling out your online residence permit request form on the ANEF website, you need just indicate this number in order to link it to the photo and the digital signature.
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