Île-de-France Student Ambassador Awards 2020-2021

Are you a student in Ile-de-France? Do you also have a mobility project of more than 3 months during your studies between September 2020 and June 2021? Try to win a bonus!
Participate in the Ile-de-France Region competition, alone or in a group, and become a student ambassador of the Ile-de-France Region!
Deadline to submit your project : December 14th, 2020
Your project to become a student ambassador of Paris Region
Your project must show that you will contribute to the international outreach of the Paris Region (Ile-de-France) and its higher education and research institutions.
As part of your international mobility and this project, you will therefore:
make the Ile-de-France campuses and research organisations known to foreign students in order to encourage them to continue their higher education and/or research work in Paris Region (Ile-de-France),
promote the wealth and potential of the Paris Region, according to your field of study and your personal projects: economy, culture, sport, heritage, tourism…
Paris Region offers an animation of the student ambassador community and a methodological support to the selected candidates. Therefore, you can benefit from advice to carry out your project and build a real network of mutual aid.

Conditions to participate and try to win a bonus for your mobility
In order to participate in this competition, you must meet the following conditions:
- living in Paris Region (Ile-de-France),
- being enrolled in a bachelor’s degree, master’s degree, doctorate, in a higher education institution in the Paris Region,
- doing a study abroad program of at least 3 months between September 2020 and June 2021,
- partir impérativement dans le cadre d’un accord inter-établissements en échange universitaire pour des études OU stage conventionné entre un organisme (entreprise, institution…) à l’étranger et un établissement francilien. going abroad within the framework of an agreement between universities for a study exchange OR with an agreement between an organization (company, institution, etc.) abroad and a Parisian institution for an internship.
How to participate in the competition and submit your project?
Ready to give it a try and go abroad as a student-ambassador?
Submit your project proposal and share your motivation by answering the Call for Expressions of Interest (Appel à Manifestation d’Intérêt – AMI) of the Ile-de-France Region on the regional aid platform mesdemarches.iledefrance.fr
Applicants may group together to carry out a collective project provided they share the same mobility destination and/or have related project themes.
Useful contact and information
To learn more, check the general conditions for this competition here (in French)
Do you have questions? Please write to : etudiantsambassadeurs@iledefrance.fr
All the information on regional aid for students on the Paris Region’s website: https://www.iledefrance.fr/rentree-universitaire-quelles-aides-aux-etudiants-franciliens
The 2018-2019 Ile-de-France Student Ambassador Awards in figures and projects
- 118 candidates
- 58 laureates
- 45 projects laureates, among them 37 individual and 8 collective projects
- 44 higher education institutions in the Ile-de-France Region represented
- 32 countries visited by the students
- a 150.000 euros budget allocated by the Paris Region
Discover the projects and destinations of the students ambassadors of the previous editions of these Awards

Are you going abroad for a study abroad or internship program? Do you have questions about visa, residence permit, health insurance, etc.? Please contact acc&ss Paris Centre for advice!