Holders of long-stay visas (D)valid for 3 months and marked « talent chercheur » and « PT4 VLS » (known in the past as Passeport talent – chercheur or L421-14 or L313-20 4° ) must apply for a residence permit within 2 months following their arrival in France. The validity period of this residence permit will be the same as the duration of their hosting agreement (« convention d’accueil »).
Important note : The hosting agreement (convention d’accueil) and the talent-chercheur visa allows the researcher to work within the framework of its activities right upon their arrival in France without having to request for a work permit.
Quick tip : It is important to anticipate by starting the residence permit request procedure as soon as the researcher has arrived in France.
On line procedure for the request for a «Talent-chercheur» residence permit
The request of a Talent Chercheur residence card has to be made on line on the Administration Numérique des Etrangers en France (ANEF) web site.
List of the documents to be submitted for the request of the «Talent-chercheur» residence card
The documents to be provided are :
- Long stay visa with the note « talent chercheur » ;
- Passport (pages related to marital status, validity dates and entry stamps);
- Proof of home address less than 6 months old :
- if tenant: electricity bill (or gas, water, landline telephone or Internet service bill) or rental lease agreement less than 6 months old or rent receipt or housing tax statement ;
- if staying in a hotel: hotel certificate and bill;
- if staying at someone’s house : dated and signed certificate from the host (attestation d’hébergement), copy of his/her identity card or residence card, deed of ownership (or the host’s statement of residence tax or copy of the rental lease agreement or the host’s electricity, gas, water, landline telephone or Internet service bill). A sample of a housing certificate from a host (attestation d’hébergement) can be found here.
- E-photo (Compatible Photomatons can be identified by a blue sticker that indicates Agréé services en ligne ANTS ) ;
- Convention d’accueil known as hosting agreement (cerfa form n° 16079*03 filled, date and signed). The hosting agreement validity period is based on the reseacher’s stay (duration of the fellowship, of the working contract, ….) subscribed with a public or private body with a previously approved research or higher education mission ;
- Diploma at least equivalent to a Master’s degree
- New from July 2024 : Contrat d’engagement à respecter les principes de la République française, which is an agreement of commitment to respect the principles of the Republic, in French, completed and signed. Signing this agreement is mandatory (subject to exceptions). This document is to be uploaded online when reaching the stage « supporting documents » (Justificatifs) in the section « proof of address » (Justificatifs de domicile). More information and a sample of the agreement can be found here.
Important note about the list of documents : in most cases, these documents are sufficient but it may happen that the prefecture requests additional documents before validating the request, to check a particular situation. If so, any additional documents requested should be provided on time.
Piece of advice
The applicant can benefit from the support of the Centre de Contact Citoyen who can be contacted by phone at 0 806 001 620 or using the contact form on the ANEF website. It is advised to contact the CCC in writing in order to keep track of the administration’s answers.
After the deposit of the request for the «Talent-chercheur» residence card
Examination of the application file and issuing of certificates
Once the person submits their application, a confirmation de dépôt is issued automatically on the ANEF account.
The person may then receive an attestation de prolongation d’instruction during the process of the residence permit request. During the procedure of residence permit request, the attestation de prolongation d’instruction and the hosting agreement (convention d’accueil) allows the researcher to work within the framework of its activities without having to request for a work permit. However, it does not allow the researcher to come back without a visa after leaving the country.
Additional information or document might be requested by the prefecture. The person must reply within the specific deadline or the application will automatically be closed, providing either the requested document or a short note to explain why it can not be provided yet.
Once the application is approved by the prefecture, an attestation de decision favorable is issued. This document indicates the validity period of the residence permit to be issued.
All these documents can be downloaded from the personal ANEF account.
Production and issuing of the residence card
The person receives a text message on their phone once the residence card is ready to be collected at the prefecture.
In most prefectures, it is necessary to make an appointment on the prefecture’s website in order to collect your residence permit. On the day of the appointment, the original of the passport and a €225 printed tax stamp will be requested. Tax stamps can be bought on the tax department’s website.
Piece of advice
Quick tip : if the person has not received a text message within 2 months after the attestation de décision favorable was issued, they can write to the prefecture to ask if the residence permit is ready to be collected and/or make an appointment to collect it.
The residence card must be collected before it expires or the person will not be able to start a new procedure like applying for the renewal of the residence permit or for a change of status.
Purchasing of the tax stamp
The purchase can be done on line on the ANEF web site (save and print your receipt) or on the tax department’s website.
Tip : There is no need to buy a tax stamp (timbre fiscal) when you submit your residence permit request (the stamp may expire before use). It will only be requested when you receive your residence permit. Thus, you can purchase it just before retrieving your residence permit at the prefecture.
Information about e-photos
Only professional photographers and approved photo booths such as Photomatons can provide photographs and a digital signature that are compatible with the visa request teleservice. They can be identified by a blue sticker that indicates « Agréé services en ligne ANTS ».
Once your photo is taken, you are asked to ad your signature using a pen to a tablet or touching the screen. It is important to write your real signature and not a point or a sign to allow the making of your residence permit.
- Your photos will be printed in the same way as they are for a normal photo.
- You will also receive an individualised 22-number code. When you are filling out your online residence permit request form on the ANEF website, you just need to indicate this number in order to link it to the photo and the digital signature.
What next ?
Researchers wishing to stay in France beyond the expiry date of their residence permit must apply for the renewal of their residence permit between 2 and 4 months (that is to say between 120 and 60 days) before the expiry date of the residence card. The procedure has to be made on line on the ANEF web site. It is dealt by the local préfecture according to the home address of the applicant.
You don’t know how to process? Are you having any difficulty or doubt?