New process for the request of a provisional work permit (“autorisation provisoire de travail”)

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From March 23rd, 2021, you can no longer apply for a work permit (PT) on Work in France web site. Foreign students will soon be able to submit their APT application on the web site of the French Digital Administration of Foreigners (ANEF).
From April 6th, 2021, holders of a student residence permit wishing to apply for a work permit (APT) will have to submit their application on !
Application for work permits under process
Any work permit obtained through the WorkInFrance service is valid until the date indicated on it.
Application files for work permit filed before March 23rd, 2021 are expected to be processed by DIRECCTE by April 6, 2021.
- If your application is validated, you will receive your work permit by email.
- If your application for your work permit has not been processed, it is recommended to make a new application on ANEF web site, from April 6th, 2021 :
New process for the request for work permit, from April 6th, 2021
From April 6th, 2021, non-European students will need to apply for their work permit on the on line web site
To learn mote about work permits
Before the launching of the ANEF service for work permits, please check the FAQ of WorkInFrance :
Am I allowed to be working with a student residence permit and under wich conditions? Check our web page about “Work and regulations” or contact acc&ss