Except in special cases (students with a European health insurance card, a certificate from the Régie d’Assurance Maladie du Québec, or salaried students – see dedicated section), any student meeting certain conditions must register for social security.

Registration with social security

If you have come to start or continue studies in France : Register on the international student reception website, in order to benefit from healthcare coverage upon your arrival in France. Registration on the site is simple and free. The web site is available in French/English/Spanish. Guidlines are available too in arabic and in mandarin.

Your healthcare coverage will be provided on the date of your final registration with a higher institution and according to your address.

Please note : if you arrive in France before registering in France, it is better to provide private insurance for the beginning of your stay.

Are you studying in higher education? To learn more about your health insurance, whether you are French or a foreign citizen, you can consult the social security web site , the official web site of the French public administration or the web site for students edited by the Higher Education Ministry and CROUS.

Please do not hesitate to contact your university or your acc&ss centre!

Students with a European Health Insurance Card or a certificate from the Régie de l’Assurance Maladie du Québec (Quebec Insurance Board)

Before arriving in France, European students must apply for a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) from the social security centre in their country and Quebec students must apply for a certificate from the Quebec Health Insurance Board (RAMQ). Students who hold an EHIC or an RAMQ certificate valid for the duration of their stay do not need to register for Student Social Security.

 If they receive healthcare in France, they must contact the International Relations Department of the Primary Health Insurance Fund (CPAM) of their department of residence.

The documents to be submitted are as follows:

  • double-sided photocopy of EHIC or RAMQ certificate ;
  • double-sided photocopy of identity document ;
  • bank account identification details (RIB) of a bank account in the student’s name in France ;
  • proof of address in France ;
  • healthcare forms ;
  • double-sided photocopy of student card ;
  • Specification of address abroad.

Note: a national of a third (“non-European”) state who is covered by the social security system of a European country may also apply for a European health insurance card and use it during his/her stay as a student in a country of the European Union, with the exception of Denmark, Switzerland, Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein.

All of these students may then take out additional health insurance.

Employed students

Students who perform a salaried activity in parallel with their studies are covered by the Health Insurance Office of their place of residence. Coverage according to professional criteria is provided from the 1st hour worked for the year. Supplementary health insurance (mutual insurance) can then be purchased.


Supplementary health insurance can then be purchased. To complete the social security reimbursements, you can join the health supplement of your choice. Check with your parents’ health insurance company, a student health insurance company or another complementary company to get the level of benefits you want: it varies according to the contracts. You can also benefit, under certain conditions, from a totally free health supplementary insurance: the complémentaire santé solidaire .

If you are a PhD student holding a Passeport Talent chercheur visa or residence permit, because you have a work contract (doctoral contract, CIFRE thesis…), please check information for “the specific case of salaried researchers holding a Passeport Talent Chercheur or Scientifique Chercheur visa”.

Your local acc&ss centre is available to help you. Please do not hesitate to contact our acc&ss teams !