PhD students and researchers - acc&ss Paris-Est provides information and support before and during your stay!

Paris-Est Sup is the site of a EURAXESS Services Center dedicated to international PhD students and researchers. You can benefit from support before and during your stay in France - for the housing search, obtaining your visa, applying for a residence permit, opening a bank account, taxes, bringing your family with you, etc


For general information, please consult the "acc&ss Paris Ile-de-France" guide, which is dedicated to international mobility :

acc&ss Paris-Est’s Personalized Support

You are invited to contact the acc&ss Paris-Est team directly for the following steps in your process :

  • We act as liaisons with certain police headquarters in the Île-de-France Region for researchers at member establishments of Paris-Est Sup. In this capacity, we facilitate the registration of your application for the scientists' residence permit (Scientifique, Passeport Talent Chercheur, Passeport Talent Famille)
  • We offer free classes in French as a second language for our PhD students, researchers, and their partners
  • We also manage the circuit of approval for hosting agreements (Convention d'accueil) for the large majority of the member institutions of Paris-Est Sup
  • If you need to sign up for social security as a non-European citizen, we help connect you to the appropriate healthcare insurance fund (L'Assurance Maladie)
  • We have a personalized approach in supporting you in your housing search: you can apply for your housing at the International Residence here
  • With the help of Paris-Est Sup, we organize cultural visits for PhD students, researchers, and their families.

Contact us or meet us in person

Our two centres are here to welcome you.

acc&ss Paris-Est Cité Descartes


acc&ss Paris-Est Créteil

Adresse Paris Est Sup Cité Descartes

Résidence Internationale
acc&ss Paris-Est
9, avenue Blaise Pascal
77420 - Champs-sur-Marne
RER A : Noisy-Champs

Plan d'accès

Horaires d'accueil

lundi & mercredi : 14h - 17h
mardi & jeudi : 9h - 12h
fermé le vendredi


+33 (0) 1 60 05 40 98

Adress of Paris Est Sup Créteil

acc&ss Paris-Est Créteil
Paris-Est Créteil University
Pyramide Building – Office 514
80, avenue du Général de Gaulle
94000 - Créteil Cedex
Metro 8 : Créteil - l'Echat


Opening hours

Tueday and Friday : 9 am - 12 and 2 pm - 5 pm


Contact information

+33 (0) 1 45 17 13 11

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Centre de services Euraxess

Les centres « acc&ss » sont à votre écoute ! En tant que membres du réseau européen des centres de services Euraxess, les centres acc&ss portent les principes d’Euraxess. La qualité de l’accueil des scientifiques internationaux sur notre territoire nous tient à cœur. Notre ambition ? Aider à lever les principaux obstacles à votre mobilité, qu’ils soient administratifs, logistiques, culturels… pour que votre séjour soit le plus profitable possible.
En savoir plus sur le réseau acc&ss Paris Ile-de-France