In order to guarantee access to housing for all, a housing aid system is set up by the French State. Depending on the nature of your home, your income and the composition of your household, you may receive financial assistance to reduce the amount of your rent.
CAF housing aid
Housing subsidies are managed by the Caisse d’Allocations Familiales (CAF). It is therefore to the CAF that you must send your application for an allowance, and it is the CAF that will determine whether you are eligible and who will calculate the amount of the allowance. There are several types of housing allowances. They are not cumulative : you can only receive one of these allowances. The CAF will determine, based on your application file, the allowance to which you are entitled.
Estimation of the amount of housing assistance
Many criteria are to be considered, it is therfore impossible for us to give here the amount of housing aid. However, you can make a simulation of the APL application to estimate the amount of your housing assistance through the Caf calculation module. You can then apply for housing assistance online on the CAF website.
Apply for housing financial help
We advise you to apply for housing assistance as soon as you enter your new accommodation because the assistance is not retroactive. The start date of the aid granted will correspond to the date of filing of your application (even if the file is processed later by the CAF). The allowance can be paid to you or paid directly to your landlord, and your rent will be reduced accordingly.
How to be helped to apply for housing assistance
Online guides and tutorials are available on the CAF website to help you apply.
Caf also has a network of «Caf Digital Points» and « Caf Relay Points» (Points numériques Caf and Points relais Caf ) to support you in your online processes. The Caf are also partners of Maisons de services au public and France Services structures that offer access to computer equipment and help to carry out your administrative procedures online. Find the coordinates of all these places on the local page of your Caf.
Vous pouvez aussi solliciter votre centre acc&ss , ou en période de rentrée universitaire être accompagné.e par un agent de la CAF dans les guichets uniques ouverts dans les universités ou au Welcome Desk Paris You can also contact your acc&ss centre , or during the academic year be accompanied by a CAF agent in welcome desks in universities or at the Welcome Desk Paris
Housing aid for students
A l’attention des étudiants allocataires de la CAF: Les aides au logement sont automatiquement suspendues pendant les vacances d’été pour tous les étudiants, sauf si vous informez la Caf que vous conservez votre logement au-delà de cette date. Votre Caf vous demandera en fin d’année universitaire – via votre espace personnel en ligne Caf – si vous conservez votre logement en juillet et en août. Si vous laissez votre logement ou en l’absence de réponse, votre droit sera interrompu à partir de fin juin. For students benefiting from help from CAF: Accommodation subsidies are automatically suspended during the summer holidays for all students, unless you inform CAF that you will keep your accommodation beyond this date. Your Caf will ask you at the end of the academic year – via your personal online space Caf – if you keep your accommodation in July and August. If you leave your accommodation or if there is no answer, your right will be interrupted from the end of June.