Use the form below to make an appointment with our partners
The Welcome Desk Paris now welcomes you in the acc&ss Paris Centre’s premises at the Cité internationale universitaire de Paris, from Monday to Friday, from 9 am to 5 pm :
17 boulevard Jourdan
75014 Paris
RER B / T3 station Cité universitaire
From Monday to Friday, from 9 am to 5 pm
For all questions relating to your stay in France (accommodation, information on visa validation, residence permits, health insurance, French courses…)
- On-site welcome without appointment, at the Welcome Desk Paris : Would you like to meet the Welcome Desk Paris team for questions about all your administrative steps? You can visit us without any appointment at the Welcome Desk Paris/acc&ss Paris Centre premises, located in Paris at the Cité internationale universitaire de Paris, Maison Internationale, 17 boulevard Jourdan, 75014 Paris, RER B / T3 station Cité universitaire.
- Video-call welcome, with an appointment only (Please make an appointment : choose équipe acc&ss accueil à distance and service acc&ss – rendez-vous en visio using the appointment scheduling module below)
For a better welcome and follow-up, please register with us before your appointment or your visit by filling in our on line form
Do you have any doubt to validate your visa or apply for your student or Passeport Talent Chercheur residence permit on the ANEF website?
Come and meet with our team to make the process with being advised.
Please bring :
- your scanned documents
- and if possible your own laptop to facilitate the procedure.
During the Welcome Desk Paris event, you can check the list of documents to prepare here
If you live in Paris, our team can also help you with applying for your RECE card on demarches .simplifees web site.
To meet with a CAF of Paris agent at the Welcome Desk Paris and receive help with your online application for housing allowance : make an on-site appointment at the Paris Welcome Desk (please choose “CAF – Rendez-vous à la Cité internationale“).
Beware : if you are coming to submit an application file for a housing aid on line, the CAF of Paris agent can help you with your application, regardless of your home address. However, if you wish to know the status of your application while you do not live in Paris (75) and are dependent on another CAF, then the agent of the CAF of Paris (75) will not be able to inform you.
Welcome, with an anppointment, from Tuesday to Friday, from 9 am to 1 pm and from 2 to 5 pm
For an assistance with the submitting of your online request for housing allowance (APL), don’t forget to bring the necessary information on the day of your appointment.
You will need to bring:
- a valid email address;
- a RIB (BIC/IBAN format);
- your rental agreement or lease;
- if possible, the CAF certificate duly completed and signed by your landlord (your House at the CiuP, your residence or your owner depending on the type of accommodation where you live);
- contact details of the landlord, the amount of the rent and the room surface ;
- whether you are tax-related to your parents;
- if your parents are receiving benefits, have their beneficiary number and their CIF of belonging (housing department).
Attention: please note that if you are a resident of the Cité internationale universitaire de Paris, if you change your room, even within the same house, your rights may change : you must inform the CAF of any change.
If your request does not concern the accommodation assistance procedure, you can, like any Parisian, make an appointment with an expert of the Caf de Paris via the Caf.fr > Contact my Caf.
To meet with a health insurance agent at the Welcome Desk Paris and receive help for any question about the French health insurance (CPAM / Assurance Maladie) or your request for the Complémentaire santé solidaire, please make an appointment choosing CPAM – rendez-vous à la Cité internationale.
On-site welcome, with an appointment, on Mondays and Wednesdays, from 9 am to 1 pm and from 2 to 5 pm.
To meet with a France Travail (ex-Pôle Emploi) advisor and be accompanied in your search for student jobs or internships, or about your CV, please make an appointment
Welcome, with an appointment, on Tuesdays from 9 am to 1 pm, and from 2 to 5 pm.
Since its founding in 1980, the Association Bernard Grégory (ABG) has worked to promote the career development of PhD-holders, the innovative capacities of businesses, and to capture the value of skills acquired through training in research. Are you a PhD candidate or a PhD holder? Are you wondering about a specific aspect of your career path or, more generally, about the next step in your career plan? The ABG, guest partner at the Welcome Desk Paris, will offer you a meeting (in the morning) and individual interviews (in the afternoon, with an appointment) at the Cité internationale universitaire de Paris.
« Develop and refine your career plan through networking! », [in English] by Kristina BERKUT (International Cooperation Manager @ABG).
The conference will be held in English, but you can ask your questions in French.
Date : October the 24th, 2024, from 10 am to 11:30 am,
Place : Maison Ile-de-France – Cité internationale universitaire de Paris, 9 D boulevard Jourdan, 75014 Paris
Upon registration. Please use our registration form here
Flash interviews (by appointment)
These face-to-face interviews are intended to assist you in:
- Your job search and the development of your communication tools (CV, LinkedIn profile, etc.);
- The recruitment process;
- Developing your career plan;
- Marketing your skills, especially outside of academia;
- and many more topics
Our consultant will introduce to you and make available to you:
- Job offers specific to PhD holders, in a wide range of disciplines and sectors of activity.
- Our DocPro skills assessment tool.
Date : October 24th, 2024 (afternoon), with an appointment , to be made below on this page
Place : Maison internationale (International House), Welcome Desk Paris (acc&ss Paris Centre servive) – Cité internationale universitaire de Paris, 17 bd Jourdan, 75014 Paris
In the meantime, please check the ABG web site and the ABG DocPro skills assessment tool : DocPro.

Making an appointment at the Welcome Desk Paris 2024
(only in September and October 2024)

Other partners of the Welcome Desk Paris 2024 (but not on site)
Préfecture de Police de Paris

Préfecture de Police de Paris
For your procedures related to residence permits, the Préfecture de Police de Paris informs you that most of the procedures for students and researchers are now dematerialized. There is almost no reception in the prefecture, and the very few receptions are only by appointment. Procedures are mainly online on the ANEF website.
For any particular difficulty related to your procedures with the Préfecture de Police de Paris (complex or urgent situation, specific situations), in in the absence of a response from the Prefecture after contacting them using the Préfecture contact form, please do not hesitate to contact the acc&ss Paris Centre team by email at access[@]ciup.fr, as the Cité internationale universitaire de Paris remains a privileged interlocutor of the Préfecture de Police de Paris, during the Welcome Desk Paris and throughout the year.
- Algerian nationals with a long-stay visa marked “student” and holders of a long-stay visa marked “student – mobility” « étudiant – mobilité » must apply for their residence card on the ANEF web site (Administration Numérique des Etrangers en France).
- Holders of a short-stay visa bearing the mention « étudiant concours » and having passed the examination for which the visa was issued, as well as holders of a visa « mineur scolarisé » having reached their majority, if they reside in Paris, must contact the Paris Prefecture in order to request an appointment to file their first application for a residence permit using the online contact form
- Applications for the renewal of student residence permit (validated student VLS TS or residence permit) are also made online on the ANEF web site (Administration Numérique des Etrangers en France) .
- Applications for APS or RECE – Recherche d’Emploi Création d’Entreprise (Job Search Business Creation ) residence card are made on the simplified steps (« démarches simplifiées ») website of the Paris Prefecture. Once your documents provided on the platform and then processed by an instructor agent, you will receive a notification with an appointment at the prefecturefor the submitting of your paper documents and the issue of a receipt (« récépissé »).
How to know everything about students processes in Paris préfecture: https://www.prefecturedepolice.interieur.gouv.fr/demarches/les-etudiants-etrangers
- The first applications (in case of a long-stay visa valid for 3 months, with the mention PT4 VLS) and the applications for the renewal of residence permits Talent Chercheur (known before as Passeport Talent Chercheur) are also online only, on the NEF web site (Administration Numérique des Etrangers en France)
- The first applications for an Algerian residence certificate with the mention scientific must be submitted on the simplified procedures dedicated web page Démarches simplifiées of the Préfecture de Police de Paris web site. Once the documents provided on the platform and processed by an instructor agent, you will receive a notification for the submitting of your documents in the prefecture and the issue of a receipt (“récépissé”).
- Requests for the renewal of Algerian residence certificate as scientists are to be made by appointment to be taken on the web site of the Préfecture de Police de Paris
How to know everything about Talent Chercheur researchers procedures in the Préfecture de Police de Paris : https://www.prefecturedepolice.interieur.gouv.fr/demarches/les-passeports-talents
- How to go and get your residence card: you have been informed that your residence permit is ready ? Make an appointment on the web site of the Préfecture de Police de Paris to collect your residence card.
Everything you need to know about the obtaining of your residence card
Quick tip : The residence card must be withdrawn before its expiry date, otherwise no new application for a renewal or a change of status can be made.
If you have not received an SMS within 2 months after obtaining the attestation de décision favorable, you can write to the Préfecture de Police de Paris to ask whether the residence card is ready to be collected and/or make an appointment to go and collect your residence card. If you have a first application récépissé (after a paper application in préfecture), it is best to schedule an appointment right before the expiry date of your récépissé. Don’t wait and quickly check the dates of available slots on the appointment page of the préfecture.
If you live in Paris and if you need help to carry out your digital procedures (validation of VLS TS visa or application for the renewal of a student or talent chercheur residence card for example), agents from the Préfecture de Police de Paris can help you complete your application online at three “digital access points” (PAN office). It is necessary to make an appointment.
It will be necessary for you to go to the PAN with the requested documents, in digital format or photocopy. For the procedures carried out on the ANEF, an e-photo must be obtained before the appointment
Information and appointments at the Digital Access Point (PAN)
Warning: PAN agents have no access to a request previously filed online and therefore cannot inform you about the processing of your file.
- Use the contact form of the Préfecture de Police de Paris and select the competent service according to the nature of your request. We advise you to use this form to keep track of your exchanges with the préfecture
- Call 3430, Monday to Friday from 09:00 to 16:00
Any application for a residence permit (renewal or change of status) filed on the ANEF https://administration-etrangers-en-france.interieur.gouv.fr less than 2 months before the expiry of this permit will be subject to a delay fee of € 180 !
To avoid paying a late fee, you must file your renewal application between 2 and 4 months (which is between 60 and 120 days) before the expiry date of your residence permit.
The application for the renewal filed after the date of expiry of the residence permit shall remain accepted until 6 months after the date of expiry, but a late fee shall be applied.
ADIL de Paris

ADIL 75 (Agence Départementale d’information sur le logement)
A legal advisor from the ADIL 75 will inform you about your rights and obligations related to your lease, from your arrival in your apartment to your departure, by email with a dedicated email address, during all the duration of the Welcome Desk Paris. Please send your questions to info.etudiant@adil75.org
Do you have a question? Something you’re unsure about?
Welcome Desk Paris is here for you!