Steps in My Process
During the Welcome Desk Paris (in September and October each year), find here all the useful information for your administrative procedures! A number of tools are at your disposal: thematic practical information sheets guiding you in your steps, an email box to ask your questions to our team, links to the online services to carry out the necessary procedures. For a personal guidance, you also have the possibility to meet the Welcome Desk Paris team without an appointment and to meet one of our partners (CAF, CPAM, France Travail) by appointment.
The Welcome Desk Paris 2024 services : find all the opening hours and reception arrangements of the Welcome Desk Paris team and partners here :
The Welcome Desk Paris is closed?! Don’t worry! The acc&ss Paris Centre team is there for you all year round!
The Welcome Desk Paris Services
Come and meet us, contact us or make an appointment with the Welcome Desk Paris partners
All the information to find us or book and prepare your appointment is on our appointment web page :
The Residence Permit
Préfecture de Police de Paris
Find all the useful links about students’ and researchers’ right to stay in France procedures : on line process on the ANEF website, procedures by appointment or by invitation after submission of the request on a dedicated web page.
acc&ss Paris Centre and the Préfecture de Police de Paris are partners to improve the stay of international students and researchers in Paris.
Housing Allowances
Caisse d'Allocations Familiales (CAF) de Paris
The team at the Caisse d’Allocations Familiales (CAF) of Paris can help you fill out your request for housing aid online.
In-person appointments, from Tuesday to Friday, from 9 am to 5 pm.
Employment - France Travail
France Travail (Pôle Emploi)
An advisor from the France Travail employment office can offer you help and direction: preparing your CV and job interviews, establishing your skill set, and offering helpful hints for your search for a student job or an internship.
In-person appointments with the France Travail (ex-Pôle Emploi) advisor, on Tuesdays from 9 am to 5 pm. Attention please: for questions related to residence permits, please contact the welcome desk / acc&ss team instead!
Health Insurance
Assurance Maladie de Paris (CPAM)
Advisors from the CPAM will inform and help you about your rights for universal health insurance (la Protection Universelle Maladie) including Assurance maladie membership, reimbursements, general practitioners, the Vitale card, the Complémentaire Santé Solidaire, preventative health measures…
In-person appointments, on Mondays and Wednesdays, from 9 am to 5 pm.
Housing Regulations
Agence Départementale d’Information sur le logement (ADIL75)
Information about your rights and responsibilities linked to your rental contract .
PhD students and PhDs career - Association Bernard Grégory
Association Bernard Grégory
The ABG (Association Bernard Grégory), guest of the Welcome Desk Paris, will meet you on October 24th, 2024 at the Cité internationale universitaire de Paris.
More details to be announced
Ask acc&ss, the international mobility expert, all of your questions!
During the Welcome Desk Paris, the Cité internationale universitaire de Paris acc&ss team and multilingual international students are there to provide information regarding various subjects linked with international mobility and to help you to complete your steps in the administrative process online.
- On-site welcome at Cité internationale universitaire de Paris without appointment at the Welcome Desk Paris, 17 bd Jourdan, 75014 Paris : Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
- Online welcome by acc&ss with video-appointments
- Contact information with acc&ss Paris Centre team when the Welcome Desk Paris is closed

Our Factsheets
Our information sheets are available in French and English.
They are updated and accessible online every year, in September and October, on the Welcome Desk Paris webpages.
Find our information sheets as soon as the Welcome Desk Paris opens, from 9 September 2024!
If you are unsure about your situation, or for any personal advice, come meet our team at the Welcome Desk Paris or make an appointment with our partners.
Do you have a question? Something you’re unsure about?
Welcome Desk Paris is here for you!